Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Corset Lust Hunt

You have to hunt, aehm hurry a bit to take part on this hunt . A little bit to late discovered, the Corset Lust Hunt is running some days already. An will end this sunday, so something to do for the weekend. I have not tested it until now, but as it is in theme for this blog it has to be mentioned. Will give it surely a try the next days as it looks there some nice items on that hunt. Thay say themself about their hunt concept:

Corset Lust! Everything and anything with the sexy allure of corset styling. One item per store only and it must be either a new design or regular full priced item – no discounted or discontinued items accepted.  Awesome, quality free stuff and the chance to see new stores you may not know about and add to your list of places to spend your hard earned lindens!!


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